How to use the ARP website

Welcome to the ARP website!

Please be aware, in order to book events at member rates you need to be logged in to your account.

Logging in to the ARP site allows you to manage your personal profile and password, book events and access online training sessions. 

It’s easy managing your personal profile and company listing.  Simply log in to head over to your personal profile. 

The main contact for your company has been assigned the ‘Company Manager’ role.  The rest of the team members have been assigned ‘Individual User’ roles. 

You can have more than one company manager if you wish to share the management of your listing, or for example to grant rights to each individual sub-office.  We will leave it up to you to decide how you want to manage access and rights within your company.  

When you log in to the system you will see your personal profile which you can edit.  You will also see a lighter blue box with your company name.  If you are an ‘Invididual User’ you can only view your company listing.  If you are a ‘Company Manager’ you can edit the listing as well as add further individual users to your company. 

Individual Users can:

- update their personal profile

- change their password*

upload articles for review and publication by ARP

- view MIM credits (credits are managed by EuRA)

- follow our online training

- book events at member rates

Company Managers can:

- update the company listing

- update their personal profile

- change their password*

- add employee profiles

- assign and revoke company manager rights

upload articles for review and publication by ARP

- view team member MIM credits (credits are managed by EuRA)

- follow our online training

- book events at member rates

*Forgotten password:  When you go to login, just fill out something random as a password and click 'log in'.  This will then take you to a page that says 'unrecognised username or password - forgot your password?' - click on 'forgot my password' and request a reset link.  You will then receive an email with a unique link that allows you to reset your password.  This link is only valid for 24hrs, so as soon as you've logged in to your profile you will need to amend your password to something you can remember/want to use.

Creating a new login: Anyone can create a new profile/account on the EuRA website. It's only once the individual user profile has been linked to a member company that member benefits such as booking at member rates and online training modules become available.  This is why it is important to always link your personal profile to your company.

Editing your Personal Profile (all users)

Across are the fields that you can edit for your personal profile.  Here you can update your email address and reset your password. 

Make sure you create a strong password of at least 12 characters, with upper and lower case letters and numericals.  

Your personal profile is personal: should you transfer to a different (sub)office or member company, your profile is saved within the system.  This way any MIM points earned remain yours and you can simply pick up where you left off with your traning programmes.  

You can update your email address yourself by logging in. Your new company manager can then add your profile to their company listing. 

Updating the Company Listing (company managers only)

Click the light blue button with your company name to open up the company listing and then select 'edit'.  

You have three sections that can be amended: the company's details, address details and company references. You can also update your company logo here.

Click on the section you wish to amend and complete the fields you want to update. Fields marked with an asterisk * must always be completed or else your updates will not save.  

Managing Members (company managers only)

Manage your team members’ user profiles by clicking on the ‘manage members’ tab at the top of the page.  

Simply type in their email address and select ‘create new account/add account’ to add them to your company profile in the CRM.  Adding individual users here does not list them on your public profile, it simply allows them to manage their personal profiles and follow our webinars.  

If they are a new profile to the ARP system they will receive an email with a link to set their password.  If they already exist within the ARP database, nothing will happen as they should already have received their login details. 

You will notice that only the newly added email address shows up in your overview at this point and the name simply shows a / forward slash.  

The Individual User you have just added to your company profile will need to log in and complete personal details such as their full name.  

You can also grant someone manager rights (if you wish to share management of your company listing), revoke these rights, and remove them from the company (if they have moved on).