Staff relocation is vital for an independently successful Britain. We move the world’s best talent to the UK. This retains and attracts the best companies on the planet. The relocation sector works in partnership with industry and Government to make Britain the best place for world-class businesses.
Key points
Effective relocation makes Britain the go-to country for global enterprises – and it doesn’t cost British taxpayers a penny. We just need unnecessary red tape removed, like onerous immigration restrictions from France. Global competition for attracting businesses is fierce. If we get this wrong, then France, Germany and others who are pitching for our companies will step in.
The Association of Relocation Professionals has a simple message – build it and they will come. We know how, and though no firm is an island, we risk becoming an economic one unless Government lets the relocation sector its job, so business people look here and say, ‘destination Britain.’
The UK relocation sector is the world leader in our sphere of operation – and we have the data to prove this. Getting relocation right is the same as getting Brexit right. So, we work with the Chancellor’s ambitions, moving essential working people to the UK, and around it too. The employee relocation calculation is all about investing in British success.
Relocations mean around 7,000 people a month entering the UK at salaries usually over twice the national average. This means a massive £350 million for the UK economy per month, exceeding £4 billion per annum. That’s a huge boost.
In addition, there’s a very significant multiplier effect in terms of what these people do for British industry. The net effect is measured in large, sustained contributions to the UK’s GDP.
If the relocation sector is given the duty to police the sector, this reduces the load on the state. We ask for a simple visa system, fast assessment of applications and an open channel to evolve processes to reflect the dynamic new post-Brexit world. That’s what any business would do – and that’s what the relocation sector offers to do for UK P.L.C. So, Rishi, let’s talk.
More information at:
07711 671320